Monday, August 27, 2007

Project One Hot Mama - Complete!


BLUEIF said...

I wonder if Josh knows that you've gone to the Dark side?
I'm looking for his ext. at work as I type!

BigWheelRider said...

He knew about the project before you did...ooh, how does that feel...probably similar to finding out someone got engaged not by the person of interest!

BLUEIF said...

give my tires back.....rsmp

29erfan said...

29erfan <---- (eating popcorn watching to see how this unfolds)

BLUEIF said...

Nice brake housing...

Houston JR. may be a new nickname for you. :)

29erfan said...

Maybe I should call up my boys at Salsa and have them post those pics on their website.

BigWheelRider said...

Thanks for the hook up, but I have an "in" already...much appreciated!

BLUEIF said...

instead of Houston Jr. I was thinking....
Mr. Pepper
Mr. Moto
Mr. Peppery Moto
Mr. Mini Moto
MR. Mini Pepper
Mr. Baby Wheels Moto
Just some random thoughts.
P.S. I started the pray chain.

BLUEIF said...

It just came to me.

MR. Baby Mini Wheels

29erfan said...

Mr.Mini Moto is by far the best one of the bunch. RSMP son.
PS- I figured you already had an "in" just didn't know if you wanted Bobby's cell number. Rock on.

BigWheelRider said...

And you guys always say to me, "Don't you have something better to do with your time?"

Ring, Ring...pot calling kettle!

BLUEIF said...
